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eotd는 전세계 고객들이 집에서 다양한 취향의 콘택트렌즈 브랜드를

받아볼 수 있게, 빠른 배송을 기치로 내세워 전세계로 서비스하고 있는

글로벌 렌즈 편집샵입니다.

엄선된 렌즈 브랜드들을 전세계로 공급하기 위해 다양한 브랜드들을

접촉하고 있습니다.

At EOTD we provide a curated and diverse range of premium colored contact lenses worldwide.

At our shop you can find a vast collection of colored contacts to suit all tastes. We also make it a priority to provide fast shipping globally for our customers.

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At eotd, we commit to offer you the best service.

Shipping will always be quick and hassle-free.

Whether you want to try something new or renew your lenses with us, we got you covered with a palette of curated colored contacts from high quality South Korean brands.

We're looking forward to serving you again.

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+82. 02. 522. 7167

6F, 19 Seongsuil-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 04779

©PPBSTUDIOS Co., All rights reserved.

©PPBSTUDIOS Co., All rights reserved.

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